Our Difference


The second wave in human resources

The most rapid growth among service sectors has been especially seen under the human resources management consultancy area in the last decade. It is pretty much normal for many players to emerge during the developmental periods of any sector mainly related to the large niche market. This was also true for the human resources sector. We call this period The First Wave in Human Resources. Those companies that served during this period have contributed mainly in the formation of human resources functions while also enabling their effectiveness.

However, in today’s world, we are faced with a new era as a result of the institutionalization of many companies and also many developments that have already taken place in the human resources sector all around the world. The dynamics of this new era that we now call ‘The Second Wave’ can be listed as follows:

  • To present tailor-made solutions to clients with diverse needs and specifications,
  • To produce and implement Measurable solutions to companies,
  • The rising demand for specific expertise in the area.

First and foremost, Smart Solutions has a product and service portfolio that includes international practices which are ready to be used to produce solutions best tailored to the business world.

The first priority in human resources management consultancy is to be able to draw the current picture in a very clear way. Only then it is possible to bring specific intervention tools that are solid and tailored for client solutions.

It is our goal to provide specific needs based services to produce many positive outcomes for our client organizations? system and processes as well as their employee attitudes and behaviors. In line with this approach, our regular follow-ups and utility analysis methods enable us to see those outcomes in terms of their added value for the company.

Being aware of the necessity of a specific expertise for all those diverse service areas, Smart Solutions works with several experts and specialists who have expertise knowledge, skills and abilities in different client support areas.

In light of all those competencies, we are here to declare that Smart Solutions is a ?Second Wave? consulting company that is able to produce measurable outcomes for its clients.